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Be Kind: Respect

Week 2 

PurposeFull Pursuit:

A fun way to remind students to show Respect to others is to create a non-verbal cue. As a family, come up with a non-verbal way to cue your student to remember to show Respect to others. An example of this would be anytime you raise the “Respect Rooster” on your hand by closing the middle 2 fingers and bringing your pointer finger and pinky finger up, your student would be reminded to practice living out Respect.

Conversation Starters:

  • How can you practice Respect by listening here at home?
  • How is practicing Strong Listening showing Respect and Kindness to others?

Week 3

PurposeFull Pursuit:

Review Respect as a family! Remember that in our lessons we are teaching that Respect means to see value in people and things and treat them with care. Agree as a family to set aside a certain time each day this week to unplug from devices and plug into family time. It shows Respect to practice being present in the moment without the distractions that can come from technology. Debrief and discuss this challenge afterward and commit to this practice at least 1 day each week!

Conversation Starters:

  • How have you shown Respect through listening lately?
  • What family member(s) do you want to celebrate for their Respect?